
Posts Tagged ‘App Store’

Time to bite the forbidden Apple(iOS5)

October 4, 2011 Leave a comment

So, its 4th of July err 4th October 2o11. Well isn’t it the same thing for Apple fanboys out there.

iPhone Event

4/10/11 – Apple is holding media event at Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA. The event starts at 10:00 am Pacific Time. Let’s talk iPhone.

Today, we would experience the World’s most advanced phone & OS – the iPhone4S(or 5) & iOS5, which is supposedly a giant leap forward from the existing World’s most advanced phone & OS the iPhone4 & the iOS4.

Every OS that rolls out of the Apple Inc. the most advanced OS in the market? Not really, if we look back at the earlier versions of iOS they lacked basic functionality like copy-paste.

So what is it about them that makes it the World’s most advanced OS be it mobiles/tablets(iOS) or the Macs(OS X). Well lets see it for ourselves because I believe in facts.

Well! That says it all, doesn’t it? I use every platform that is available in the market today from iOS, Android, BBOS, WebOS, bada, Symbian to WP7 so don’t consider me as an Apple fanboy.

I won’t deny, I love their products and simplicity but at the same time I pin point problems like ‘Death Grip’, Notification system, Micro-sim etc. I have always been an unbiased, critical blogger and iOS5 won’t change it for me.

Who are we kidding, we all know until we Jailbreak our iOS device’s they are not worth it. Right now out of all the devices I own, iPhone4 is my primary phone simply because of plethora of apps (I mean quality apps from the App store, not like malicious junk in the Android Market). So the big question is will the iPhone4 owners like me upgrade to iPhone5 when they can get the iOS5 on their existing device. Again lets dig into some facts.

For the past 6 months we have seen around 100 types of speculated iPhone5’s. From a larger screen to ipad-like back to LTE etc. This isn’t the first time the world has gone mental on how the next iPhone’s gonna look like. Before the next generation of iPhone is released today let’s have a look at some of the fake one’s.

Hence proved, you can can hide..but you cant escape the Apple Inc.

Lastly, how it all started. The journey from iPhone4 to iPhone5.


techNYK signing off. For more info ↓